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Created:Sunday, September 17, 2017
Members: Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 13:29 eastern (1462 days ago)
Public: Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 13:29 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Ozark Trail 30oz Tumbler for $5, or Two for $9

For one:
  1. 30oz Ozark Trail Stainless Steel Vacuum-Sealed Tumbler for $5.
  2. Choose a color. The colors that cost $5 are: Dark Red, Hunter Green Orange, and Light Blue.
  3. Price is $5. Choose in-store pickup to avoid the shipping fee.
Or, to get 2 for $9:
  1. 2-Pack of 30oz Ozark Trail Stainless Steel Vacuum-Sealed Tumblers
  2. Click "Start Choosing Now" on the right.
  3. Click the Plus Sign (+) and pick one of these colors: Dark Red, Hunter Green Orange, and Light Blue. Click Next.
  4. Choose the color for your second tumbler. It can be a different color, but note the only colors that can get you that price are: Dark Red, Hunter Green Orange, and Light Blue.
  5. Add to the cart
Total for 2 tumblers is $9. Choose in-store pickup to avoid a shipping fee.

This deal came from The Hot Deals Club. Click here to visit the site for more deals such as this one.