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Created:Saturday, December 20, 2014
Members: Saturday, December 20, 2014 at 00:00 eastern (977 days ago)
Public: Saturday, December 20, 2014 at 00:00 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Kindle eBook Reader for $59, Paperwhite $99
These deals expire December 28.

If you plan on gifting a Kindle to someone, be sure to press "gift options" and select to register this Kindle to "Another account (Send this Kindle unregistered)." Otherwise, the Kindle may come pre-registered to our Amazon account.

Amazon also has some books on sale for $2 each.

They are also selling an Amazon Fire TV for $79 ($20 off of normal price). It is Amazon's competitor to the Roku and Google Chromecast. Here is a comparison of the streaming media players.

This deal came from The Hot Deals Club. Click here to visit the site for more deals such as this one.