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Created:Sunday, August 29, 2021
Members: Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 13:30 eastern (967 days ago)
Public: Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 13:30 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:3-Pack TP-Link Kasa HS200 Smart Light Switches $35

3-Pack of TP-Link Kasa HS200 Smart Wifi Light Switches for $35 ($11.67 each). They normally sell for about $15 to $20 each.

Each of these replace existing light switches on your wall, and require an electrician to install. is a good place to find a local electrician.

Electricians can charge anywhere from $20 to $50 per switch install.

These are on/off switches, with no dimming. Dimming smart switches, model HS220, are $17.10 each, but there are some key differences.
  • Max wattage: HS200 supports supports up to 300 watt max load (150W LED), and the dimmable HS220 has a max of 150 watt (75 LED).
  • Some LED bulbs are not dimmable, and can damage your wiring if used with a dimmable switch. When usng a dimmable swich, be sure your bulbs are dimmable.
Have your electrician count your bulb wattage and dim-ability before choosing the dimmable HS220 over the on/off HS200. If you are unsure, go with the HS200.

For 3-way lights (two switches controlling the same light), TP-Link has a 3-way pack which includes 2 switches and made for 3-way wiring. The switches included in the HS210 bundle are functionally identical to the HS200, with a max wattage of 300 (150W LED).
Companies:Amazon, TP-Link

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