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Hot Deals Club - membership renewal
First review the terms of your subscription to the Hot Deals Club, then you will be given the opportunity to renew your existing account. You must know your existing LoginID and Password to renew.
Features that are coming very soon to Members: Now some background of why we have a Members section. Don't be scared away! If you don't want to sign up, that's okay. You can still enjoy this site the way you always have: Where does my annual fee actually go to? Specific things that non-members will not have access to:
All Hot Deals Club members MUST agree to these terms.
You should continue to visit the Hot Deals Club website as you normally do, but make sure you are logged in, because logged-in members get access to more deals and can access all deals earlier than non-members can.
To renew your Hot Deals Club membership, please enter your username and password below to begin the process:

1) Read all information above and understand the terms of Hot Deals Club membership. Indicate that you understand and agree to all the terms displayed above on this page, by checking this box: 
2) Current LoginID:    3) Password:    4) 
(your subscription renewal rate is determined on the next page after you enter your username and password)