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Created:Monday, November 5, 2018
Members: Monday, November 5, 2018 at 13:14 eastern (1990 days ago)
Public: Monday, November 5, 2018 at 14:00 eastern
This is an informational posting or a note regarding an existing deal
Heat level:N/A
Countries:available in USA
Details:Free or Discounted Rides to Election Polling Places on Tuesday:
Election Day is tomorrow (Tuesday) in the US.

If you are a current or active user of Lyft, Uber, or other ride-sharing or bike-sharing service, or are interested in trying them out, here are some deals.

The benefits of getting a ride:
  • Saves time. No need to look for parking.
  • Less hassle. Get picked up when you want to.
  • No need to drive yourself (great for people unable to drive).
Some deals are here:

Nationwide Ride Sharing: (free or discounted car rides)
  • Lyft - 50% Off Rides (up to $5 off) To Election Polling Places. Depending on where you live, the discount could be 100% off (free rides). To get the deal:
    1. Click here
    2. Enter your zip code.
    3. A promo code will be displayed.
    4. Enter that code in the Lyft app by tapping the circle on the upper-left, then Promos, and enter the code.
    5. A tip. If you have "Lyft Line" available, choose that to share your ride with someone else in your neighborhood. It's their cheapest option, and could introduce you to a new friend.
  • Uber - $10 Off a Single Ride to Election Polling Places. To get the deal:
    1. Use the latest version of the Uber app on your phone.
    2. Tap Menu, Payment, Add Promo, and enter code VOTE2018 to get $10 off.
    3. Request a ride using the Polling Place Locator (on the Uber app).
    4. Select the cheapest ride option available in your area (Express Pool, Pool, or UberX in that order).
Bikes & Scooters in Select Cities: City Metro Deals: Tips on What to Bring & Know When Going to The Polling Place:
  1. Depending on the state you live in, some may require a photo ID (if you have one), voter ID, or a utility bill (or something with your name & address).
  2. Google for your local candidates and local propositions to find local media articles explaining them to you. Know in-advance what's on the ballot, so you can be an informed voter and be in/out of there quickly.
  3. Many US states require employers to give employees time off of work to vote, some pay employees too. See here for details.
Useful Websites:
Companies:Lyft, Uber

This deal came from The Hot Deals Club. Click here to visit the site for more deals such as this one.